Friday, April 29, 2005

We have an honest investigation....honestly!!!

Paul Volker, the head of the alledged "independent" investigation in to the "Oil for Food" program in Iraq......He has now been found to harbor a near-fatal disease....

Let me see, we are "Independent" investigators....

HOWEVER....Our Investigators....even former ones....are granted "diplomatic immunity" from their "status as investigators".....

WHAT A STRETCH! Volker you are looking more and more like a pawn of the ever-changing-ever-alert Kofi! Go you Annan person!

The tales told make many see the facts of what the alledged investigation is really all about....a coverup.....

Check this FOX News story to see what the media (at least those not NAILED to Liberal causes) have said.

Volker is in trouble, and he knows it.....This play will NOT carry thru. Our legislators, bless their slanted, opinionated souls, will deal with this as an idiocy beyond they should!

Duke of DeLand