Thursday, January 25, 2007

"Grey Moment"....Or, Just Too Funny!

This morning the Duchess and I shared one of "those" moments.....

We awoke at our usual time, got up and followed our usual routine.....I off to my bath and then the kitchen to make coffee. She, shower and dress to head for her water aerobics class....

We meet in the kitchen for morning juice and pills, then to the table for coffee and paper. Duchess returns to the bedroom for her forgotten eyeglasses. She returns standing in the doorway with one eye covered and comments on her blurry eye.

At the table we divide the paper as usual....she begins with the funnies....I, with page 1 followed by sports. I noticed after a minute she was staring at her paper, and again covering her eye.

She said, "I cannot read anything with my left is all blurry no matter where I look (progressive lenses). I begin to get worried......"Perhaps you slept on that eye, dear."

Then she again adjusts her glasses and in a check move tries to wipe the lens.....THERE is NO lens!

We found the lens beside the bed where it had fallen out....and I reinstalled it with my glasses repair kit.......

In the process we both laughed long and loud. Just a little thing, but a part of the happenings at the DeLand household on our first "cool" Winter morning (48 & drizzle).......

Life goes on, and it is nice to enjoy it with someone you love so much. Laughter adds to the fun.
