Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Beverly Cocco, against the draft, but unaware!

My gosh folks, is this some surreal venture into "draftville"?

The Dems are charging the GOP with a "secret plan" to reinstitute the draft.......
The funny thing is the Dems have the only two bills filed for the draft reinvigoration program....
They wrote them, they filed them....NOT a GOP among them!

I was incenced as the Dems had a figure opposed to the draft, Beverly Cocco, in their corner....
BUT she is a Dem of the first water, and adrift in the field of "factual question"

I answered her in her site......will she respond??? doubt it!

Here is my filing on her site!

"Bev, you must have been smoking something MUCH stronger than I would like to think.....

Opposed to the draft, and opposed to the idea of a draft......

Well then, sister.....get a grip.....


Richard Cheney - OPPOSED TO A DRAFT

Two DEMOCRATS have filed bills in congress to institute a draft......


DEMS FOR!!!!!!

Read it and find a fault in this!

If you do, I'd like to hear about it so I could re-educate my fellow bloggers on how the idea of a draft is GOP!!!!
It ain't so, is not a thing you can show, prove, nor enforce.....

Wanna reply?????

I'll be glad to post it to my BLOG!

Duke DeLand,
Tampa, Florida
Hurricane Central!"