Thursday, September 27, 2007

Clintons - "We Are The President!" +

What an ignorant attitude by the "Elitist" Clintons.....

"Our Daughter cannot be pictured!"

These folks are ignorant of the folks who make up this country....and they find themselves beyond any form of comparison.......

FOX has the story!

YOU, my friends, have the details.....

The Clintons are "too good" to be pictured with a restaurant-owner......

These elitist folks are so sure of their superiority that they cannot be pictured with a commoner!

I just love it when a Liberal us the ammunition to know they are not of the "common folk"....

Hildabeast at her normal attitude.....Bill in complicity!

Ha Ha

Most folks of any level love to be pictured in a restaurant....the notice of fame is wonderful! But the know....the "common" folk....are ready and willing to fight over a picture of their daughter with a restaurant owner.....

In my day, to have your pic in a public place....given it's civility....was GOOD!

These Clintons are NOT PART OF US know, the US of the common folk!

By the way, the Clintons have lost the vote of the restaurant-owner and probably his family.

Nice touch are "of the people" alright!

The elitist folks....NOT the voters of the USA!
