Sunday, October 08, 2006

O.K., Now All Good Dems....Salute the Canadian Army!

Michelle Malkin 1st unveiled the latest completely idiotic Democrat subtrafuge Last evening. Get That? The Democrats, on THEIR DNC page, salute soldiers while picturing a Canadian soldier. Apparently there were no pics in the Demo archives of American soldiers whom they loath!

Then Capt. Ed joined in with more, including the fact Photoshopped the picture to remove a Canadian hat emblem. That is patently absurd! Did these geeks actually think no one in this blogosphere would notice?

Might be entertaining to see what happens......will they remove the picture and find another??? Will they simply ignore it all and leave the pic??? Will they ever admit or comment upon the error, if indeed it was an error and not intentional???

I had to register and then comment on the latest DEM blog entry at DNC blog:

"I find it absolutely astounding that the Democratic National Committee cannot find an actual photo of an American soldier for their Military and Families page...but, instead must try to placate the American People with a PhotoShopped picture of a Canadian soldier.

Support the soldiers....just not ours!"

Perhaps a few more of us should also comment there! Wonder how long my comment will last?


p.s. Here is a copy of the entry w/date just to prove it is/was there!

Comments - 1 «

I find it absolutely astounding that the Democratic National Committee cannot find an actual photo of an American soldier for their Military and Families page...but, instead must try to placate the American People with a PhotoShopped picture of a Canadian soldier.

Support the soldiers....just not ours!


Posted by DukeofDeLand on October 8, 2006 at 07:13 AM

I'll keep checking back.....


UPDATE: I won't waste your time giving you a blow-by-blow of the responses in comments after mine above. Let me just say that there were both positive and negative responses to both my posted comment, and the others there. One thing stood out in consistency among the liberals who were both labeling us as "trolls" and indicating there were bigger fish to fry than whether or not the soldier was other words, that fact didn't matter...the goal of their story was to try to demonstrate support for the military. Apparently, ANYBODY's military. Shows that to a good liberal anti-military person all those soldier types look alike.