Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Where's The Blogo-response?

I sit here, from about 9 this morning til now and wait, and wait....


Andrew Heyward, CBS News President has announced he will be leaving....and more importantly, the network has already announced his replacement.

The man supported and followed Rather. There was amazement at the time that he stayed at the helm. Now he leaves, even if under a secure blanket of "stepping aside".

I truly thought there would be some sort of response from the bloggers who were so intensely involved during the Rather-Escapades.....

This man condoned idiotic reasoning, and absurd backups for "it is truth, even if the documents are false"....

I am amazed he lasted this long, and it is a tribute to the dead MSM and their views of themselves....

Come on blogophiles....tell me what you think!
