Saturday, October 22, 2005

Two Thousand Dead!

There it is will be, without a doubt, trumpeted from the highest MSM peaks, and previewed as a "Major" event.......

The magic for the MSM scribes is....a milestone, and they hope a millstone to tie to the neck of GWB.

How unfortunate that they will ignore the fact that the total death count for the time in Iraq is LESS than some weeks in Vietnam!

How inconvient to report the totals and then relate them to the dead of Vietnam....
This will, of course, not be done!

Just the number.....2,000

That is all you will hear, that is all you will find in the media spotlight.....damned if it is over three years, and much, much less than the "pre-supposed" number of dead from the 1st week!

Gosh, what a sparkling event this could be for the enlightened....we lost "so few" in the time of fighting....but, I guarantee you will think it is of the proportions of Vietnam before the MSM is finished....

I guess they have been preparing for this event much the same as the preparation ofr the death of a major player...Bush, Cheney, etc....

Let us see what unfolds!
