Monday, April 28, 2008

Barack is BLACK??? - Hillary is FEMALE???

After a long hiatus, Little Duke returns with this thought-provoking piece:

"Let me get this on the record right now. I will NOT vote for Barack Obama because he is black. I will NOT vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman.

I know this is very politically incorrect and it makes me a racist or sexist in some eyes, but I have made my decision. It has become very clear to me that anyone saying anything negative about Mr. Obama or Ms. Clinton is being labeled a racist or sexist. I am quite sure I will disagree with either of them at least a few times while they are President and if I am going to be labeled anyway, I would much prefer earning that label one time as opposed to numerous times over the next four years. I will not vote for Barack Obama because he is black. I will not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman.

Truth be told, I don’t like Barack or Clinton because they are probably the most socialist candidates we ever had. Their policies will hurt this country and they are pandering to the most ignorant non-achievers in our society. The “what can the Government do for me” crowd loves Barack and Hillary. The people sucking at the teat of government are demanding more of what they haven’t earned be taken by force from those that have worked hard and succeeded.

Truth be told, I don’t like Barack or Clinton because their horrible foreign policy is a recipe for disaster. Barack and Clinton make Carter look like he knows what he is doing and Carter makes Neville Chamberlain look like a hawk. Pulling out of Iraq and talking to terrorist nations will make us less safe. I’m sorry; their policies are dangerous to our sovereignty.

I don’t like either candidate on the left. It’s for a variety of reasons, but not because of race or gender. I like Colin Powell. I would vote for someone as smart as Condoleezza Rice in a heartbeat. That wouldn’t matter to the “you’re a racist” crowd. I knew a very smart woman named Lynn Martin when I lived in IL and I would vote for someone like her again. I thought Margaret Thatcher was brilliant. I guess I’m not sexist either.

See, the truth doesn’t matter. To the Socialist Progressive Democrats in this country, it is much easier to name-call than to actually defend policies. That’s why I know we can’t have a liberal black or liberal woman elected to president. We would have four years of being tarred and feathered every time we disagreed with the administration. I don’t want any candidate that can’t stand up and defend their positions, instead having to send their lackeys to attack those that disagree as racist and sexist.

That is why I will not vote for Barack Obama because he is black or Hillary Clinton because she is a woman. Let the name calling begin."

Yahoo.....Little Duke, you echo my unwritten views. I am in complete agreement. Elect either and we will be subjected to a 4 year term of no chance to question/disagree with either.
