Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Prediction - Who Cares!

My prediction is Bush will more than 30 electoral votes.....

There, I said it!

Now the question is.....WHO CARES!??????

No one actually.

I am a member of a societal group which is fairly well "party-divided".....My vote will be cancelled by my friend from across town who votes Demo, no matter what......My wife's will be neutralized by at least one of the young in her employment area....


Because any one NOT voting gives their opponent a quick vote for.....

Basically, each vote DOES count!

Get out there folks and vote......

p.s. We were going to vote "early" as Florida allows, however only 7 polls are open for such in our county (Hillsborough), and they are BURIED under early voters.

Guess this means if we vote election day we get lighter lines anfd quicker passage....HOPEFULLY!