Thursday, February 03, 2011

DEMs - 0, GOP 1,000........

The Democrats have given full support to the position of supporting ObamaCare.....DESPITE the opinion of the public. They have stayed the party-line....they have ignored polls, ignored the people of this country who voted last November.

They still cling to the position that they are SMARTER, MORE AWARE, then their own constituents...They seem to feel the BOMB which was dropped by the electorate in November 2010 was somehow an anomaly!

Their suicide mission is going to cost them. The union of LIBS....Democrat folks in the Senate is about to go BOOM!

2012 will give the GOP control of BOTH houses of the legislature!

IF Obama survives, and that is certainly NOT decided.....though he possess the vote of the Left and the "entitled" masses.....He will face a Congress which will stop any future for the LIB Left of Obama.

DEMs Senators/Legislators.....AWAKE and read the tea leaves. YOU are going to lose. The question is how much will you lose. That perhaps is a question which the legislators themselves need to embrace!

Love it.....
