AARP....a Day Late & A Dollar Short!...& OUT OF TOUCH WITH SENIORS!
The news out today is that after months of espousing ObamaCare, but denying they were doing so, AARP is finally going to fess up openly, and endorse the now-delayed/doomed ObamaCare.Meanwhile, their membership is fleeing like never before....this writer and his spouse included. We are tired of the AARP Liberal bent, even as they deny same and still work the Lib side like a mechanic.
I get NOTHING from AARP in discounts, representation....(REPRESENTATION????) etc. that i cannot get from a dozen other organizations.
AARP is N-O-T an organization in favor of we retireds. or about-to-be-retireds. They are, instead, a business conglomerate, using government influence to make BILLIONS!
AARP's time is past...they simply have not yet realized it.
Reality check coming folks! Sometimes your organizational skills exceed your organization. I thought the AARP was an organization to help seniors.....My Bad!....They are an organization to help themselves. I sent emails, letters, etc. for years to the question....Where do you get these "mandate positions" on issues? I have NEVER been asked by the AARP my opinion. I have never been asked to comment upon the issues we face, or the decisions the AARP makes. In fact, after an email challenge to my friends on line (there are hundreds of us from my hometown alone) I found that NOT ONE of my fellow retirees had ever been asked to offer an opinion, expression of support, or any other item by the AARP.
Kind of makes you wonder W-H-O is making these decisions; these position-statements, etc.
It ain't me babe!
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