Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Light(er) Posting Tomorrow!


I am off to have some of Florida's sunshine removed from my face/neck/leg tomorrow.

In my case it becomes a bit more involved. I have a problem which reared its ugly head about ten years ago which causes all local anesthetics to "flush" from my system in a matter of minutes. Not near long enough to cut off a chunk of forehead, have a frozen section done to insure clear margins, and then sew me up.

The event is not near so trying for me as when I had this done under local years ago. I sleep, I awake...I am done.

Should be in surgery about an hour. Then sleep another hour...then recover in post-op for an hour and have Duchess drive me home. I'll sit in my leather recliner oblivious to much for another couple of hours and then hopefully feel like blogging.

How'd I find out about this condition? I was in a surgeon's office having my forehead cut when suddenly I felt it all....Nuff said. Now I sleep.

I'll still be on line today....following all the goofy ObamaTeam gaffes, and lies.


UPDATE: This being my fifth surgery for CA, you'd think I'd be comfortable....I have awakened each and every time with no ill effects or sickness....BUT, for reason(s) unknown I am somewhat nervous tonight, and here I sit at the keyboard at 10:45pm with an 0500 get up time, and WIDE awake.