Saturday, December 16, 2006

Grandson Recovering! - Rotovirus Suspected

18 Month 0ld Grandson Eddie spent some time (almost two days) in hospital in Illinois this week. The little tyke...a really GREAT kid...apparently picked up the rotovirus from a community changing table in a local mall.

The virus brings on a combination of events that leave the little kids laying in parents arms with a severe case of dehydration. In the case of Eddie we also had a low level of protein.

It took a long time to get his body headed back the right way....and, to say kids hate hospitals with all their needles, etc. is an understatement.

I had no idea the rotovirus could be picked up in such a simple way.

Be aware parents!

Meanwhile Eddie back home, and Mom tells us he's so overjoyed to be there instead of the hospital he was running around like crazy for a few minutes...then the lack of rest and energy caught up and bedtime followed quickly.

Rest well, Little Eddie.....Stay healthy. Grandpa has way too much else to worry over right now!
