Monday, November 20, 2006

A Right-Leaning TV Satire.....SERIES!

Just like the Daily Show, but with some Conservative material? Fox news is slated to give it a try.

Paul Gough at The Hollywood Reporter has all the details. (HT Drudge Report)

I can't wait to see how it is done......

I can't wait to see how quickly the Liberal Left begins to scream and shout.

I just wish Chris Muir's Day by Day Cartoon could get more exposure in those liberal newspapers across the country. NOTE: You'll see it every day here on Pekin Prattles...just down a bit in the right hand column!

& before any lefties begin yelling about bias, just catch one of the replays of the Comic Relief show that aired over the weekend. I like Robin Williams, particularly, however the rampant liberal left jokes and Bush Derangement Syndrome displayed overpowered me and I had to leave.
