Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Picture This!

What if.....

You saw a riot of Islamic folk who were demonstrating against the words of the Pope.....AND the news covered the "scripted" and "planned" movement and displays by the participants?

What if.....

You were watching the news and a film appeared of the Gaza area wherein a child and several teens lay dead/wounded alongside several adults; and the media reported the Hamas folks involved had endangered their children by keeping them alongside them as they paraded about with weapons/rockets/et al?

What if.....

The media covered the latest incursion by the Hezbollah into Israel and their retreat by showing the map indicating the terrorists had utilized UN posts as cover, and then retreated into the citizen-populated areas of the Southern Lebanon terrain?

What if.....

Ah, but then reality strikes.......and we see the usual media circus for all of the above without a 2nd side; without any reason, backup or check of the facts.

Sad.........Just sad!
