Friday, March 04, 2005

McCain-Feingold Fiasco! Bloggers, Rally Round!

The FEC, at least one of the three Dem members, is indicating an expansion of the McCain Feingold Bill to make illegal or at least VERY costly some blogging referring to or linking with Politicians sites.......Captain Ed has a quite nice letter to the senators and has also asked blogger help in getting the message to all 100 Senators....
Read it here and then send your own email/letter to your senators and advise Capt. Ed you did so. Then we can track how many of our senators are covered, and insure multiple letters to each....

Blogger Power.......USE IT NOW!

It may well impact you and your future blogging efforts....

I have sent to our Florida Senators......My own version of the letter.


UPDATE: Now a release from the McCain camp attempting (unsuccessfully) to refute the potential's at Democracy Project(HT to Instapundit!) Seems to me to muddy the area, rather than clear it, and certainly DOES NOT relieve my concerns!

UPDATE2: More and more and Little Green Footballs which seems to say there is more to this than meets the eye from Mr. Smith......Let's watch as this unfolds.....