Another One Bites The Dust!!!! Indiana is now a Right To Work state...
They are the 23rd state to pass such legislation.
The unions become less powerful with each passing day.
Thursday, February 02, 2012
About Me
- Name: Duke of DeLand
- Location: Tampa, Florida, United States
Duke: Semi-Retired! A PC Geek, Writer of little note! Active Elk. Retired National Staff Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (Lt. Commander) Native of Pekin, Illinois
Previous Posts
- AG Holder looking at OBSTRUCTION Charge from Issa...
- How much of this is true????
- Are You Watching?????
- Tea Party Media Coverage Less-Than-Truthful!
- Obama Once Again Kills US Economy....
- O.K.....Then!!!!
- My Man Warren......
- No Problem....Cause WE Are The DEMs/President!
- The Transparent DEM comments on Mitt/Newt/et al...
- & The Timig For This Is?????
Contact Duke
Email Duke"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. Thomas Jefferson "
Must Reads!
Hugh HewittInstaPundit
Captain's Quarters
Michelle Malkin
Chris Muir's Day by Day Cartoon Fraters Libertas
Power Line
Northern Alliance Radio Network
Radio Blogger
Martini Pundit
Tampa Blogs!

Sticks of Fire, A Tampa Blog
Pushing Rope
Fun Stuff!
Tortuga Twins (all 3 of em)

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