Friday, February 01, 2008

Romney/Thompson - Sadness....It Ain't A Happenin!

This would work for me, and probably for most of the Conservative/Libertarian branch of the party. It will NOT HAPPEN....for the same reason the Thompson campaign failed.

Fred Thompson was the ideal of our agenda......he was not able to excite the party...particularly the "middle-roaders".......

Romney has the experience, and the class...just not the "middle-roaders".....

McCain, despite the McCain/Feingold; Gang-of-14; Illegals agendas/ not seen as bad by the ..........YOU GUESSED IT!!!!!!......."middle roaders"......

Sad, sad, sad for the GOP. We have not been able to mount a campaign for OUR beliefs! WE are not willing to step forward, vote and support the agenda. Thus we will end up with the W-R-O-N-G agenda......perhaps McCain could best be labeled "Hillary-Lite!"

