Monday, January 14, 2008

Life Goes On - and on, and on......

This had been a bad week at the Duke and Duchess homestead, and then......

1st - From Illinois came the call of our daughter Nancy whose 83 year old father-in-law is dying of cancer, pervasive in his system....and about which he knew nothing a week ago! He was still working. He is a strong individual, and is living out his few remaining days.

He is home, with his loved-ones, and going in as easy and positive a fashion as possible.

Then, today our daughter calls from Illinois to tell us "Grandchild #10 is on-the-way!" More importantly, the youngest current grandchild, Eddie, at age 2 1/2 was able to announce to the grandfather who shall never see this expected September blessing that the child was pleased him no end....

The circle of life continues!

Life is good, hold onto it closely, my friends! It is all we have! Everything else is just the trimmings.
