Friday, December 21, 2007

"Sempar Paratus!" - My Friend From The Past!

As we watch this draw to a close, the number of WWI vets diminishes by 1/3rd Three became two...IT HAPPENS... It is natural!

My own Father was WWII, and there are too few of them as well.....But the folks of WWI were a different breed. They fought a war of attrition...a war of gases, and trenches, and illogical methods of fighting one another. They provided a 1st stop to the juggernaut "Germany" which sought to rule all.

These folks fought in a way as foreign as the days of soldiers today from 3rd world countries.

A salute to my fallen comrade.....

Long live your memory my friend...I am proud to have know of your exploits.....

Duke.....BC-MSN (Lt. Commander, USCGAux) Ret.