Friday, September 09, 2005

An Irish Take on Bush/Katrina....

You have to read it.....

Via Slugger O'Toole (HT): From the Irish Times (Suppose the rest of the world ges the news right and we get all the news "printed to fit")...(HT Chris Muir).......Just read this....from Slugger......

How very refreshing to find something which counters the MSM tripe on Katrina.

This all begs the question, how long will the MSM continue on a campaign that IS NOT being received by the average reader/listener? Given there is a profit motive to MSM, and that they are losing credibility/readers/listeners by several % per year, can it continue? I mean, CNN/USA Today sets the % who believe Bush was not wrong in his steps re: Katrina at 87%......All this MSM gibberish day-after-day, and 13% of the public are buying it? Har Har!

Come to think of it.....that is nearing the level who actually believe the MSM!
