ObamaCare...vis-a-vis Baucus DOES NOT EXIST!
Smoke & Mirrors.......Sell the sizzle, not the steak.......GOTTCHA! Part 7 er 8 er 9....ARE YOU REALLY SURPRISED?
Then you are deaf, dumb and Democrat!
We are being sold a bill of goods entitled "just give me your money and healthcare & I'll take really, really, really good care of (your money!)...."
That is what we have folks, but is there any hope of stopping this massive fraud upon the USA? I doubt it.
Given my age of 66 plus, I guess I'll be either dead or unable to discern any lack-of-treatment by the time the DEM Dirge fully kicks in, but my kids/grands will inherit this "let-us-be-like-England/Canada" plan and suffer while the controlling pols lick their chops for more ways to fleece the public.
Welcome to Socialism!
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